Welcome to The Tao of Garden

Gardening is simply the practice of cultivating plants. People grow ornamental plants to harvest their flowers, foliage, or to get dyes out of them. They are also grown for their overall appearance.

There are also plants that are cultivated for human consumption. They are consumed as fruits, vegetables and herbs for medicinal purposes.

When we talk about gardening the subject ranges from fruit orchards to long boulevard plantings. Gardening practitioners may specialize themselves in growing only one type of plant or they may also practice mixed plantings that involve many various plants.

Gardening requires active participation of the practitioner and it usually requires intensive works and discipline.
Here you'll find many tips and tricks that are related to gardening.

There are various methods, types and approaches to maintain a healthy and beautiful garden. You can find all of them here.

You may want to learn what's the proper way to landscape the yard, choosing the right soil, maintain the plants, growing indoor gardens, and many many more.

We also look forward to hear your insights, suggestions, and even requests around gardening and landscaping. So please don't forget to leave your precious comments...

Happy gardening... :)

Tips On How To Pick The Best Landscaping Ideas

There are numbers of backyard landscaping ideas and most of them are pretty terrific. But of course you cannot go for all of these ideas. You must have to see what your backyard landscaping needs are and research about it.

This will let you choose the best idea available in front you for landscaping your backyard. This article will give you insight about how you can select the best idea for you and how can you implement it.

The use of the tress in your backyard will add natural colors and let you feel fabulous. The choice of the trees depends upon your taste.

You can add the deciduous trees in your backyard that will be helpful for you to provide stability to your backyard and also give it a structure. Using the trees in the backyard is the good idea and also it is close to nature.

You can also use the evergreen trees in your backyard. It will be as fresh and green in winter as it was in summer. On the other hand, deciduous trees do not give nice look in all the seasons.

Landscaping the backyard for looking lively all the seasons will allow you to opt for the evergreen tress. It will make the landscaping look green all around the year.

Use of the hardscape is also an interesting backyard’s landscaping idea. It involves the use of walls, fences and rocks. Regardless of season, it will grab the attention of the people towards your backyard landscaping.

You can opt for trees around them and can also hang pretty flowers’ pots over it in the summer and spring season. Beside just use of the plants in the backyards landscaping you must also keep the other ideas in your mind. There are lots of other stuffs then the trees and plants that can be made the part of your landscaping.

You can frame your property of backyard by covering the fence around it. The use of the fences in your backyard landscaping is such a wonderful idea that will get appreciation of all the people. Framing the backyard with fence will give you a good and marvelous picture and you must try to opt for such type of ideas for landscaping your backyard.

Gardening With The Proper Tools

For the proper gardening, different types of tools are required. The more appropriate use of the tools will ensure the proper and quicker growth of the plants, fruits and vegetables in your garden.

Gardening is the long process and it requires lot of time and effort to grow the garden. Proper care, love and attention is required to grow the seeds in to a plant that will produce vegetables or flowers ultimately.

Gardening need caution and care. You must be pretty sure about the deepness and fertility of the soil before plantation. You must appropriate place in order to grow the garden.

You must also know the soil requirement for each plant. Some plant do not required to be buried deeper and just needed to be covered with light soil just for the protection for the growth.

Spading fork, cultivator, hoe and the trowel are some important tools that will be required frequently in growing the garden.

Use that tools which is best suited for your garden. You may require more tools then the above mentioned one. Use all the tools required in order to make the garden healthy.

Tools are used in maintaining the garden after the plantation of seeds and plants. They are also used in working with the soil, once or twice in a week.

By working in the garden, you will get experience and can easily determine that you need to do more with the tools or the plants are growing as they should grow.

Enjoy The Benefits Of Gardening With Herbs At Your Own Home

If you have garden with herbs at your own home, you can enjoy fresh herbs in your daily cooking.

If you do not have herbs, do not worry you can have them. They are really easy to grow and do not require your much time and attention.

You do not need to do proper planning for growing the herb garden. Only thing you must keep in the mind that herbs require sunlight, great rich soil and warm temperature to grow successfully and faster.

After providing the above mentioned required things, you can know enjoy the fresh herbs by just waiting them to grow. Give it appropriate time to grow.

Some herbs that are most popular and easy to grow are: Oregano, Chives, Basil, Cilantro and parsley. You can grow them individually or can even grow the combination of herbs.

You can initiate your herb garden by finding the appropriate place where sun light comes directly and provide warmth. If you do not have such place at home and you really desired to grow your own herb garden you can provide the artificial lighting for the growth.

After finding the artificial light, next step is to find out a box or a pot and add soil in it. Soil must be fertile and then plant herbs which you want to grow.

Add sufficient amount of water in the seed when you plant the herbs. Then later on add water as required. Check the availability of light, it must not be too much that burn the herbs. Appropriate amount of light must be given to make them grow properly and without damaging it.

How Gardening Make You Feel Relax?

Hobbies are the way to get you involved in your interested work and thus keeping you away from the stress and depression.

It gives you challenging task to accomplish and build your self-esteem and confidence. You can better utilize your time with hobbies. Gardening is also a hobby that usually people adopt.

How gardening is stress releasing and make you feel relax? It is because when you are alone and doing the work to accomplish a task you feel away from the stressful situation.

Like other hobbies, gardening can also raise your confidence and self-esteem. A pleasant garden in front of you, with flowers and plants make you feel satisfied with your work. It also keeps you separate and away from the home. It let you enjoy the fresh atmosphere that is good for your health.

Gardening can be done in both the indoors and outdoors. It depends upon the area of your home. Even if you do not have sufficient area you can still do gardening.

Gardening puts the positive impact on mentally disturbed and sad person. These people feel that they are the losers and they have low self-esteem.

Gardening will raise the positive feeling in them and with the help of other persons they can get back on the right track back. One can feel the positive changes in the attitude of the person who are involved in the gardening.

In winter times one can grow the garden inside the home, in order to keep the garden safe from snowfall and dry winter.

Grow Your Garden Inside Your Home

It may be possible that you want to have your own garden, for getting your own fresh grown vegetables and fruits, but you do not have place to fulfill your desire.

But do not worry; now you can grow your garden inside your home. This will also allow you to control the temperature and set it according to the requirements of the plants.

There are many ways in which you can grow the fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs inside your home. In order to do that you must require pots to grow the plants.

You can plant them in pot and place the pots in your windows or front porch or may be make a small greenhouse in front of the porch that faces the sun, so that the plants can get light and warmth directly for the growth.

In order to grow the garden inside, you will need a square box and a round galvanized tub, to place the soil in the little depth. You can put the seeds and plants inside it. Provide it with sufficient amount of water.

As you do not have much space so you cannot grow the complete range of row vegetables. So you have to decide which vegetables you want to grow each week.

Of course you will be needed to preserve the vegetables and do not want it to be stale. You can preserve them by dehydrating, freezing or canning method.

Look how easily you can make your dream of gardening fulfill without requiring much space and in less expenses.

Add More Fresh Herbs Into Your Gardening Gifts

Giving gifts are in our tradition and it makes other realize that how important he/she is for us. It also let him/her feel special. So what gift should be given that would be worth using?

Gardening gifts are becoming very popular now a day. They can be enjoyed for the long time and also provides satisfaction. They are also better because other will definitely use it and also less expensive.

Gardening gifts must be according to the interest of the other person. Like for instance, if the receiver always loves to eat the Italian food, you can give him/her an indoor garden, which can grow herbs like basil, oregano and cilantro.

You can even add more herbs in it so that they can enjoy the fresh herbs every time in making the Italian dishes and always remember you while enjoying the fresh herbs.

Herbs can also be used in numbers of ways. It can be used in other foods, teas and can be used as ailments to the parts which have pain and causing you discomfort.

Mini green house can also be a great gardening gift. You can give them seeds, watering can and fertile soil when they have intention to build a garden in their home.

You can also give them the cans for preserving the food which they have grown throughout the planting season and they want it to store it up till the entire winter season.

Gardening gifts are always best and they let others know that how much you care for them. These gifts are long lasting as well as can be used life time.