Although you have studied too much about the technique of compositing and compost but still you always need someone to explain the main concept and scientific process of the usage of composts.
This article will explain about compost and compositing technique for the layman. Although many of you want to technicality about this topic but before going in to technicality it is important for more of us to understand the basic physic behind the compositing.
Compost is basically the organic substance that is mixed with the soil. It helps the soil to improve its fertilizing ability and also add more mineral and nutrients in the soil that is essential for the growth of the plant. It can allow the oil to hold more amount of water and for the more time. It is like a mulch or the soil conditioner.
There are many ways of adding compositing to the soil. The one such way is “no turn” method. This method allows you to turn the pile of compost after a week this will make the decomposition process more rapid. All you required is to add coarse material in sufficient amount in your composts.
Addition of the straw is good and this straw will create the air pockets which permit the pile to be aerated. The compost will develop by applying the straw at the same rate as if it is done with the “no-turn” method. Always try to use the compost from the bottom of the pile. From above add the organic and coarse material then.
If you do not have compost material you do not need to worry, you can make it with the two or three available things by applying the simple technique. First find out the place where you can make the compost pile for your leaves. Shaded area would be the best place for creating the compost pile for the leaves, as it would be moist and damp. Do not pack the pile tightly and leave some space for the circulation of the air.
In next four to six months, you can now apply this compost in the soil. This conditioner however will not have high nutritional level and microorganisms to create fertilizers but still work as soil conditioner for the leaves.
For compositing following things would be required: the materials that are rich in nitrogen and carbon like vegetable and fruit scraps, left bones that can attract the pests and animals. Eggshells, grass or shrub clippings, pine needles, seaweed and kelp, coffee grounds, wood ash, tea leaves, cardboard and shredded paper, corn stalks, wood chips, and sawdust can also be required.
You should cover your pile from the lime or calcium coding so to avoid the fruit files and other pest that combine together on the pile. The lime and calcium will neutralize the smell of the pile thus stopping the pest and piles. The compositing is not the difficult technique unless you want to create difficulties for yourselves.