Welcome to The Tao of Garden

Gardening is simply the practice of cultivating plants. People grow ornamental plants to harvest their flowers, foliage, or to get dyes out of them. They are also grown for their overall appearance.

There are also plants that are cultivated for human consumption. They are consumed as fruits, vegetables and herbs for medicinal purposes.

When we talk about gardening the subject ranges from fruit orchards to long boulevard plantings. Gardening practitioners may specialize themselves in growing only one type of plant or they may also practice mixed plantings that involve many various plants.

Gardening requires active participation of the practitioner and it usually requires intensive works and discipline.
Here you'll find many tips and tricks that are related to gardening.

There are various methods, types and approaches to maintain a healthy and beautiful garden. You can find all of them here.

You may want to learn what's the proper way to landscape the yard, choosing the right soil, maintain the plants, growing indoor gardens, and many many more.

We also look forward to hear your insights, suggestions, and even requests around gardening and landscaping. So please don't forget to leave your precious comments...

Happy gardening... :)

The Importance Of Mulching

Mulching is a very important part of gardening. It plays an important role in keeping down the weeds. Weeds need light in order to germinate, so mulch blocks this light and in this way stops its germination.

The other important thing that mulch do is that they protect the soil from drying out by preventing the evaporation of water from soil. In this way the soil retains its moisture and do not form a crusty soil.

The earthworms feed on organic matter like mulch and produce castings. When earthworms move in the soil they create tunnels which helps to aerate the soil and thus improves its textures. Other organisms also do the same thing. So mulch helps to increase the amount of such organisms and these in turn makes a nutrient rich substance which is needed by plants.

This process is called decomposition and it increases the organic humus in the soil.

Simple steps to mulching:

1.    The first step is to distribute the mulch material equally. Distribute it to a depth of 3 to 5 inches. The reason is that the more coarse the material the more you add.

2.     Spread the mulch around the plants but make sure that the area around the base of stems of annuals and perennials are free of it.

3.    Now the third step is to moisten the mulch.

If you are mulching the tree and shrubs then it is necessary to keep the mulch approx 5-10 inches above the base of the tree. Mulch on the trunks even if it is organic matter can cause many problems down the road.

To maintain an even soil temperature, wood mulch can be used which helps to keep the soil cool. If you are using bark chips and sawdust, then put some nitrogen to the soil before laying down the mulches. This is because the bark chips and sawdust can eliminate the nitrogen from soil when they decompose.

Try to use organic wastes such as seasoned sawdust, peanut shells, wood shavings, rice husks, grass clippings, ground corn cobs, unused vegetable waste, seaweed, cocoa bean hulls, shredded tree barks or light pruning.

Black Plastic Sheets

If you don’t want to use organic matter then you can use black plastic sheets which are also used for mulching the soil. If this is done properly, then you will get excellent weed control and moisture conservation. The right method for doing this is:

1.    Spread the plastic mulch on the top of the soil or beds.

2.    Now cut x-shaped slits in the plastic bags.

3.    Now fold back underneath the flaps to plant.

4.    When you are doing this, keep in mind that you don’t have to fill the hole in plastic sheet completely with plant.

5.    In order to make a passage for water and air, place the slits or holes on the sides of the plastic. In this way the roots can benefit from water and air. Also make extra slits which will help to drain excess moisture and will prevent water logging during wet days.


Mulching is the process by which we make use of the organic matters like dried lawn clippings and strips of newspaper to create humus matter for nourishing plants.

We do this by spreading a layer of organic matter on the surface of the soil and as the time passes this matter decomposes due to action of various agents like bacteria, fungi etc present in the soil, thus creating humus matter.

You can also use animal manure for mulching purpose. It is nutrient rich mulch but it should be used along with other materials like straw or lawn clippings. In order to create a good humus and to provide needed nitrogen to the soil, the mixture should be well rotten.

Living mulch is mulch in which compost is mixed with rough mulch. This form of much is excellent for mulching the soil. The best form of mulch is compost.

Mulch-mowing Method:

Mulch-mowing is a method in which fallen leaves are used for the purpose of mulching. The best Melcher which you can easily find is a good sharp mulch blade on a lawn mower.

This mulch blade will cut the grass blades. The leaves will be cut in to tiny pieces and will be left there. If you use the shredded leaves at the same time, it will produce mulch which has a rough texture to cover the soil.

If you want to get the maximum benefit from mulching on the ground then use this method every week. This will make your task much easier for every week and will provide your plants with a fresh supply of mulch that will start decomposing and will form new organic matter. This organic matter will then feed the soil and will also help in retaining the moisture.

Mulch-mowing is a very good technique because your drain system won’t clog because of leaves on the street and it also protects the community from other hazards.

If you mulch properly then you won’t have to face problems during hard times like lack of rain or too much of rain. Mulching is a very critical part for lawn maintenance and gardening because it requires proper methodology to create good humus for your plants.

It is a good way to prepare your garden for unexpected weathers that can destroy your plants if proper mulching is not done. Anyone who wants to make their plants and garden look beautiful should start doing mulching so that the plants can get better nutrition and can yield much better flowers, fruits or vegetables.

This is also cost effective as you can use the normal garbage materials like vegetable wastes, peanut shells, barks of the tree or the garbage of your kitchen. Many people buy expensive fertilizers for growth of plants because they don’t know that simple garbage materials can be used for mulching and creating a good and nutritious soil for their plants.

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